Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Running Free

Last night I was thinking about how much I love running and how I need to start running on a regular basis again if I ever want to look good in a bikini. Of course, since I am lazy and have absolutely no motivation even though it was only 70 degrees out and perfect running weather, I made a collage of the running gear I would like to own instead of actually hitting the trail. Obviously you should look up to me as the model of health and a passionate champion of fitness. Anyway, I have recently become obsessed with the Nike LunarGlide+ running shoes which I read about in Fitness Magazine. They come in so many cool colors and I am convinced that I don't need quite as much arch support as my trusty Brooks Adrenalines give me. These sneakers would be perfect for the stylish runner so I will try to buy myself a pair soon and maybe acquire a little motivation for some serious training. But other than those shoes, I find many of these products perfect for looking cute and staying comfy while you run your route or conquer the stair-master at the gym (though I'm not quite sold on the running skirt yet even if I did put a picture of one in this collage). Isn't that Tory Burch Duffle cute?! I'd love to have one of those too! But I digress, I plan to go running tomorrow morning so I'll let you know how it goes!

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